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  • HR & Payroll Solutions

    Installed-based Solution

    • Modules
    • Core
    • Payroll 
    • Leave
    • Control
    • Alert Utility
    • Import Utility
    • Export Utility
    • Reports

    • Services
    • Implementation & Configuration
    • Training & Workshop
    • Support
    • Payroll Outsourcing

    Cloud-based Solution

    • Modules
    • Basic HR & Bundled Modules
    • Payroll
    • ESS & e-Document
    • Leave & ESS e-Leave
    • Claim & ESS e-Claim
    • Time Management
    • Appraisal
    • ESS e-Onboarding & ESS e-Training
    • ESS e-Applicant
    • Costing and Integration

    • Services
    • Implementation & Configuration
    • Training & Workshop
    • Support
    • Payroll Outsourcing
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    Time Attendance System

    • Modules
    • Biometric Devices
    • Mobile Clock In
    • OT Approval
    • Project Costing

    • Services
    • Clock Mounting & Installation
    • Implementation & Configuration
    • Training & Workshop
    • Onsite Troubleshooting and Support

    Employee Self-Service

    • Modules
    • Leave Application
    • Claim Application
    • Payslip Records
    • HR Documents & Other Records
    • Training Request and Training Plan
  • About Us
  • Events
  • Resource
  • Support
  • Support
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Cloud-based Solution

Multiple companies and consolidated reports

Access your data anywhere, 24/7

Seamless updates on government related changes

Allow to customize reports and format of data entry

Online tutor for new payroll and HR practitioners 

  • Overview
  • Basic HR
  • Payroll
  • Employee Self-Service
  • Leave
  • Claim
  • Time Management
  • Appraisal
  • Onboarding and Training
  • Applicant Tracking
  • Costing and API Integration


WhyzeHR Overview

WhyzeHR is a HR and payroll solutions for Singapore businesses. Developed with advanced internet security technologies to deliver both reliability and flexibility to HR in various industries.


Benefits at a Glance

  • Accessible anytime, anywhere
  • Ease of use with flexibilty
  • Easily import ddata from excel
  • Link CPF contribution automatically
  • Flexibile in customizing your fields and forms
  • No software and infrastructure cost
  • Dedicated Singapore-based helpdesk
  • Compliance with local government agencies and legislative reqirements
  • Archive all types of work information from full time employee to contact staff
  • Ideal for multiple companies with different locations
  • Secure web encryption technologies with multi-factor authentication and SingPass App authentication
  • IRAS listed payroll software in Singapore and Malaysia



Professional Services

  • Data migration services from your current legacy systems via Microsoft Excel
  • Implementation and configuration services based on your unique  requirements and related legistrative requirements
  • User training for available for users at all levels 
  • Support via phone, remote, and onsite visit
  • Customer newsletter covers timely and relevant updates on tax, regulatory issues, and system matters



Basic HR

Basic HR

Centralized platform
Centralize personnel file containing employees’ particulars, public holidays calendar, employment history, appraisal records, training records, training certificates and other HR data.

Save time in handling surveys and queries from local government agencies
Ready to use report and analysis for employee demographics, quarterly statistics survey and nationality ratio. Breeze through ad hoc queries with easy to use column chooser and advanced queries. Generate MOM Occupational Employment Dataset (OED) that can be directly submitted.  

Generate HR letters
Generate professional HR documents such as Employment Letter, Confirmation Letter, Increment Letter, Promotion Letter, Bonus Letter, Acceptance of Resignation and Key Employment Terms. 


Other Bundled Modules

Customizable email alerts
Track critical dates such as new join reporting, confirmation due, employees’ birthday, work pass expiry, training certificate expiry, appraisal review date and any custom date. 

Import data from excel reduces data entry
Flexibility to import from excel variable allowances, bonus amount, leave adjustments, claim adjustments, benefits-in-kind, and even employees’ HR data.

Security features to safeguard confidentiality
Secure internet technologies prevent malicious access to your confidential data. Define the access rights of your sub Administrators by functions and employee groupings. Define your corporate security policy like password expiry and failed login attempts, Harden your login with Multifactor Authentication (MFA). 

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Payroll Module

Streamline your payroll process in your own way
Flexibility in adding new pay items, processing ad-hoc payroll runs or grouping employees with similar payroll policies to enhance efficiency with payroll processing.

ePayslips & eIR8A
Choose how you want to distribute payslip to employees via web login, direct email devery and even pre-sealed perforated dot-matrix envelope. Store up to 5 years of payslips history. 

Easy payroll submission for Singapore and Malaysia
Auto-generate files for bank payment and statutory submission like CPF, NS Make-Up Pay, EFP and EIS. 

Integrated Income tax submission
Direct submission to IRAS on employees’ income tax return. Support IR8A, Appendix 8A/8B, IR8S and IR21. 

Leave the statutory compliance to us 
Be assured of continuous support and compliance to statutory requirements from us via newsletters and software updates.  

Comprehensive library of reports 
More than 100 different reports for different business needs and statutory surveys. You can further customize your own payroll report layout without need for programming. 

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Employee Self-Service

Employee Self-Service and e-Document

Online HR portal for employees
HR can share HR documents and push announcements to employees.

Reduce manual paper process
Employees can update HR on changes in their basic personal particulars, upload supporting documents and submit flexible work arrangement request for approval.  


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Leave Module and ESS e-Leave

Ready to use leave policy template
Template leave settings ensure that your company has all the correct leave benefits required by statutory board.

Flexible leave policies
Create your own leave types, leave schemes, multiple work week calendars and allocation based on detailed entitlement tables. Support different leave types sharing the same capping.

Powerful leave management tools
Assign mandatory notice period for certain leave applications. Configure your advance leave entitlement, carry forward expiry, proration for new hire and terminating employees, filter by gender and more.

Support regional leave administration
Automatically updated with public holidays in different regions including Singapore, Malaysia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Myanmar, Netherlands, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, UK, USA, Vietnam and many others. Administrators have the rights to admend or create your own public holidays calendar too. 

Automatic reminder for HR
Remind HR to submit claims for government paid leave such as maternity, paternity and childcare leave. 

Staff to apply leave and managers to approve leave online
Determine your approving manager(s) and custom workflow by company, leave type, department and even specific employee. Remind manager(s) to take action on pending leave application and employees on any expiry leave balance

Facilitate workplace productivity with plan leave and shared leave calendar
Allow employees to better coordinate leave application through plan leave application and shared calendar among related co-workers.

Easy to use Mobile App
Whyze ESS is a mobile app on Android and iOS. User friendly for both employees and approvers.

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Claim Module

Enable flexible benefits scheme and multiple claim benefit policies
Support co-payment, shared capping for a group of benefits and varying claim policies with capping by day, month(s) and year(s) for each claim type. Able to set capping by monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly, bi-yearly and more.

Claim can be linked to reimbursements, entitlements or expense report
Suitable for medical claim, transport claim, project expense claim, overseas travel claim and overseas per diem claim.

Custom fields for your claim forms
Customize your claim forms with custom fields for employees to enter information required for different types of claim. Choose which fields are mandatory or optional for employees to submit.

Streamline claims administration
Automate claim calculation, approval workflow by supervisor, project in-charge, claim type and even claim amount. Track currency exchange rate used and corporate exchange rate history.

Easy to use Mobile App
Whyze ESS is a mobile app on Android and iOS. Access your device camera and photo album to upload attachments for leave and claim.

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Time Management

Time Management

Automate attendance taking
Track employees' working hours with reliable biometric devices or web check-in. Enhance visibility of employees' attendance and even HR costing at multiple locations.

Calculate attendance automatically for payroll
Automate processing of overtime, lateness, shift allowance, and other attendance incentive for payroll.

Plan shift schedule
Allow supervisor to plan daily shift schedule with flexible ad-hoc changes to meet operation demands. Able to set fixed working hours pattern for employees not working on rotating shift.

Automatic email on daily attendance
Push notification to the respective supervisors helps you to make quick decison on staff deployment at multiple locations. Highlight employees who are late, absent, early clock out and forgot to clock out. 

Allow supervisor to verify attendance anytime anywhere
Convenient for supervisor to verify attendance of their subordinates. 

Support multiple types of attendance calculations for differnet groups of employees
Able to set up multiple policies on latenss, early out, overtime, overtime rate, break time, late from break, normal working hours and using overtime to offset lateness. Flexible for admin users to overwrite calculated working hours and indicate remarks for daily attendance. 

Capture attendance from mobile app with location tracking and biometric devices
Choose the most effective way for employees to take attendance. Mobile app with location tracking allows employees to indicate project and key in remarks. Biometric devices support fingerprint recognition, face recogntion and password access. 

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Web Appraisal 

HR performance management system
Made for HR department to automate performance appraisal and reducing inefficient manual appraisal forms. Can be used to conduct employee pulse survey and linking Customer's feedback to employees' performance. 

Easy to use Drag-and-drop form creator
Design your appraisal form without programming knowledge required. Preview your appraisal forms before sending out to staff.

Automatic calculation of various KPIs
Setup calculation methods that work for your organization. System supports average, summation and even different weightage for different sections. 

Eliminate paper appraisal forms and manual tabulation of results
Generate email appraisal forms based on your pre-defined schedule. System can forward the completed appraisal forms to the respective managers and consolidate the result for HR department. 



Automate appraisal with multiple levels
Support process such as employees self appraise, managers appraise, employees acknowledge and HR moderates final score. 

Support both raw score grading and bell-curve grading
Create your grading table that maps score range to grade. Have system automatically rank each employees by percentile rank.  

Programmable appraisal form
Flexible form designer allows you to create appraisal forms that suits your organizational neeeds. Choose from the wide range of programmable fields that supports free-text, drop-down list, multi-select, and signature. Setup formula that can automatically adds up the total score or automatically hide information based on certain input.  

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Onboarding and Training

ESS e-Onboarding 

Alert managers and supervisors automatically when is a new hire
System provides task list to managers and supervisors whenever there is a new hire. Setup how when to trigger system notification relative to the new hire's first day reporting to work. 

Customizable new hire onboarding checklist and guide
Managers, supervisors, and new employees can see checklist that is relevant to their role. Tasks on the checklists can be marked as completed via Employee Self Service. 

Real-time status report to HR of each onboarding task and for each new hire
Consolidated view for HR to see completion status for all the onboarding tasks for every new hire. Stores up to 5 years of history. 


ESS e-Training

Automate training request and training evaluation
Allow employees to submit training request for approval and give training feedback.

Assign training plans and track progress of training plans
Training plan consisting of a schedule of training courses can be assigned to employees or mass assign to certain groups of employees. Managers can view progress of training plan for each employees. 

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Applicant Tracking


Create job application forms that can be shared on search engines' jobs, websites, and social media platform
Job application forms can be setup with your company's job description and job specification.

Support multiple formats of job application forms
You can have different terms and conditions, different questions, and different company logos for various job openings that your company has. 

Consolidate correspondences with candidates and interviewers' notes
Centralized system to record notes on candidates and send email to candidates. Track timeline of candidates from initial job application, interview, to job offer. 

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Costing and API Integration


Assign cost centre Debit and Credit account codes
Each payroll item and claim item can be assigned with an accounts General Ledger (GL) codes. 

Assign multiple cost centres to an employee
Define which employees are to have their salary charged to mulitple cost centres. 

Charge expense claims to specific cost centres
Define how each payroll items and claim items are to be accounted to a fixed cost centres or dynamically based on the employees' respective cost centre. 

Interface to accounting software
Generate journal extry format in excel or in software API. 


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