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    • Claim & ESS e-Claim
    • Time Management
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    • ESS e-Onboarding & ESS e-Training
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Advanced User Training

  • This advanced training is free for clients with valid WhyzeHR premium maintenance.  
  • Each company can have 2 free participants for each training session. 
  • Training will be conducted via Zoom. A Zoom invitation email will be sent to participants closer to the training date. 
  • Look out for our newsletter or website to sign up for future classes.


Click on the link to sign up


8 Aug 2024 (Thu) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Opens) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. When do you need to recalculate leave entitlements and what are the implications?
  2. How to adjust leave entitlements, numbers of taken and brought-forward leave?
  3. How to efficiently apply for leave for multiple employees?
  4. Apply for leave for all employees or create an extra day of holiday?
  5. How to check claim application payment status?
  6. How to change the payment date and payment method of a claim application?
  7. ESS Quick Data Entry form or regular claim form?


15/10/2020 (Thu) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create company letterhead that looks professional in the system?
  2. How to delegate HR tasks by setting up system user role access? 
  3. How to setup email alert? 
  4. How to customize HR reports? 


16/11/2020 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to record salary adjustment and career progression?
  2. How to setup donations and recurring salary? 
  3. How to manage HR data on top of the basic particulars? 
  4. How to save time with excel import?  


15/12/2020 (Tue) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create pay items for earning, deduction and reimbursement?
  2. What are the ways to input pay items into monthly payroll? 
  3. How to set your payroll cutoff date?   
  4. How to set different pay formula for different staff?   
  5. When to group your staff into different pay groups?


15/1/2021 (Fri) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create company letterhead that looks professional in the system?
  2. How to delegate HR tasks by setting up system user role access? 
  3. How to setup email alert? 
  4. How to customize HR reports? 


22/2/2021 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to record salary adjustment and career progression?
  2. How to setup donations and recurring salary? 
  3. How to manage HR data on top of the basic particulars? 
  4. How to save time with excel import?  


15/3/2021 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create pay items for earning, deduction and reimbursement?
  2. What are the ways to input pay items into monthly payroll? 
  3. How to set your payroll cutoff date?   
  4. How to set different pay formula for different staff?   
  5. When to group your staff into different pay groups?


15/4/2021 (Thu) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to edit pay record and verify its calculation efficiently?
  2. What are the commonly used payroll reports and how to generate them?
  3. How to update company bank details to make salary payment? 
  4. How to choose the most efficient method to generate payslips to staff? 
  5. How to generate CPF file for submission to CPF Board?


17/5/2021 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a Leave Package and Leave Types to manage leave calculation?
  2. What is a Credit Leave and how to add credit leave to employees?
  3. How to make leave balance adjustment to handle different situations?
  4. How to encash any unused leave balance?
  5. How to troubleshoot leave application errors easily?


15/6/2021 (Tue) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to set claim capping with Claim Policy? 
  2. How to create Claim Form and Caim Type with custom fields? 
  3. How to set up Exchange Rates and Oversea Per Diem rates for claims purpose?
  4. How to check the payment status of claim applications at a glance?


15/7/2021 (Thu) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. What is an ESS Admin role? How to assign this admin in the system?
  2. What are the viewing options for Organization Calendar? How to change the default option?
  3. How to customize Leave and Claim applications approval routes for individual employees?
  4. How to delegate an employee to apply Leave or Claim on behalf of others? 
  5. How to apply leave on behalf of others as Clerk?
  6. How to approve leave on behalf of approvers as ESS Admin?
  7. How to upload HR documents to ESS?


16/8/2021 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create an ESS account for employees?
  2. How to create an External Approver?
  3. What is a CC List and CC Email Group? How to set this up?
  4. How to make an Announcement through ESS?
  5. What can a normal employee do in the ESS system?
  6. What can a Leave/Claim approver do in the ESS system?


15/9/2021 (Wed) 10:00am-11:00am  (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a Shift for time and attendance tracking?
  2. How to plan a work schedule?
  3. How to check employees attendance and make amendments?
  4. What are the commonly used attendance reports and how to generate them?
  5. When to Generate TMS Run? What is its purpose?


15/10/2021 (Fri) 10:00am-11:00am(Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to set up the correct employee profile for time attendance?
  2. How to set up new Bank & Bank branch in WhyzeHR?
  3. What is Work Time Profile? How to create and customize your own Work Time Profile for different types of staff?
  4. How to create an employee when there is a new hire? 
  5. How to set a previously resigned employee to rejoin your company?


15/11/2021 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a performance review form with eAppraisal?
  2. What is an Appraisal Cycle? What are the things to take note when creating an Appraisal Cycle?
  3. What are the reports you can generate to review employees performance?


15/12/2021 (Wed) 10:00am-11:00am(Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. What is the information available under Alert in the Home page?
  2. How to make use of the data available under Dashboard and TMS Dashboard?
  3. How to make use of the information in My Output Tray?
  4. How to generate KETs report?
  5. When to generate IR21 and how to generate it?


10/1/2022 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. When do you need to Recalculate payroll? How does it affect your payroll?
  2. How to use the Filter and Column Chooser function under Check Pay Record?
  3. How to generate Bank/Cash/Cheque report to check the amount of salaries payment?
  4. How to generate reports that you can make the most of the reports' design?


10/2/2022 (Thu) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. What is Form IR21? When do you need to submit IR21?
  2. How to set up and generate IR21 in WhyzeHR?
  3. Which report can you generate to verify the details in an employee’s IR21?
  4. How to download and print IR21 form for your employee?


10/3/2022 (Thu) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed)

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a pay item that can be automatically prorated based on hiring or cessation date?
  2. How to set up a monthly recurring payment? This payment shall be prorated if any Annual, Sick, or No Pay Leave application during payroll period.
  3. What happens to the deduction from a no pay leave that occurs after your leave cutoff date?
  4. How to process leave encashment payment to employees?
  5. How to inform a specific employee, through pay slip, on the calculation details of a pay item?


11/4/2022 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. When do you need to Recalculate leave entitlements? How does it affect the leave entitlements?
  2. How to adjust leave entitlement balance, number of leave taken, and bring forward leave balance?
  3. How to stop leave applications on a specific date?
  4. How to credit PH-in-lieu and Off-in-lieu leave entitlements to employees?
  5. How to apply leave for multiple employees?


10/5/2022 (Tue) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a Claim Form?
  2. How to add additional fields to a claim form for the submission of a specific claim type?
  3. How to create a Claim Policy?
  4. How to define the entitlement amount of each Claim Type in a Claim Policy?
  5. How to set maximum approvable amount of each claim application in a Claim Policy?
  6. How to check the payment status of claim applications?


10/6/2022 (Fri) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a new admin user in WhyzeHR and assign a suitable access role?
  2. What is Support Access? When to create a Support Access?
  3. How to check if an employee’s ESS account has been activated?
  4. How to reset ESS account’s password for employees?
  5. How to check if Approvers are correctly assigned to approve leave & claim applications by employees?


12/7/2022 (Tue) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to apply leave in ESS web and mobile app?
  2. How to view and check your leave entitlement balance in ESS?
  3. What is Plan Leave & Leave Plan in ESS? 
  4. How to view the document uploaded by your HR in ESS?
  5. How to inform anyone about your leave applications approval?


10/8/2022 (Wed) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a Shift for time and attendance tracking?
  2. How to plan duty roster or schedule for your employees?
  3. How to check employees’ attendance and make amendments?
  4. What are the commonly used attendance reports and how to generate them?
  5. What is the purpose of Generate TMS Run? When to Generate TMS Run?


12/9/2022 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. What are the different methods that employees can clock in/clock out using PTIS app?
  2. Where to check your employees’ PTIS clocked-in/clocked-out entries?
  3. How to check and verify access code of every PTIS mobile app?
  4. How to add a new PTIS admin user? What are the different access rights available?


10/10/2022 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. An employee can be created in WhyzeHR by either New Hire or Rejoin function. When to create using New Hire or Rejoin?
  2. How to make a salary adjustment in WhyzeHR? 
  3. How to record an employee’s career progression? 
  4. How to upload an employee’s photo and/or other documents into WhyzeHR?
  5. How to create a new bank branch in WhyzeHR?


10/11/2022 (Thu) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to import salaries payment into WhyzeHR?
  2. How to enter payroll payment through data entry?  
  3. How to process payroll? 
  4. A new employee joins your company after you have finished processing this month’s payroll. How to include this new employee into your payroll?
  5. What are the commonly used payroll reports and how to generate them?
  6. What are the different methods to distribute pay slips to your employees?


12/12/2022 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create and customize a performance review form?
  2. What is an Appraisal Cycle? What are the things to take note when creating an Appraisal Cycle?
  3. What are the reports you can generate to review employee performance? 


10 Apr 2023 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. What are the instances you need to generate an Adhoc payroll run?
  2. How to generate a pay summary report to show payments in Adhoc run only?
  3. How to process advance salaries to your employees?
  4. How to include or exclude CPF in the advance salary payments?


10 May 2023 (Wed) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to enable admin users to access WhyzeHR with 2FA?
  2. How to reset 2FA for admin users?
  3. When do you need to reset 2FA?
  4. How to disable 2FA for all WhyzeHR admin users?
  5. How to enforce WhyzeHR admin users and employees to use strong passwords for their login?


12 Jun 2023 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to allow hourly leave application?
  2. How to add additional holidays to your work time profile?
  3. How to undo the holidays you added to the work time profile?
  4. When will you need to add additional holidays to your work time profile?
  5. How to create alternate Saturdays off in your work time profile?
  6. How to restrict employees from applying for leave on a specific date?


10 Jul 2023 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. What are the different ways to process bonus to your employees?
  2. What are the different Bonus Wage Options and which one to use?
  3. Which one to use—Fixed Bonus Factor or Employee Bonus Factor?
  4. How to check the tax year of bonus payments?
  5. How to change the tax year of bonus payments?


11 Aug 2023 (Fri) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to record claims in WhyzeHR even if you do not have the Claim module?
  2. How to process claims entered in HR Data to payroll?
  3. How to undo the claims which are wrongly recorded and then processed into payroll?
  4. Additional things you can do with WhyzeHR Claim module.


11 Sep 2023 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a new pay item?
  2. Which calculation method should you choose for this pay item?
  3. How to make sure that this pay item is linked to the correct tax classification?
  4. What is Payment Classification in pay item setup?


10 Oct 2023 (Tue) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a new leave type? 
  2. Which Entitlement option to choose for the leave type?
  3. Allow leave carry forward, or no? How to set forfeiture of the brought-forward leave?
  4. How to set up eligibility conditions for this leave type?
  5. How to adjust the number of brought-forward leave for specific employee(s) only?
  6. How to set a maximum number of allowable leave bring forward in a leave policy?


10 Nov 2023 (Fri) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a new claim type?
  2. Differences in claim types with entitlement limit and no entitlement limit.
  3. How to link the claim type to payroll?
  4. How to link a claim type, which is also a benefit-in-kind, to Appendix 8A directly?
  5. How to set up a claim policy? Entitlement limit, limit per claim, eligibility conditions, and co-payment claim.


8 Dec 2023 (Fri) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a Shift for time and attendance tracking?
  2. How to plan a duty roster or work schedule?
  3. How to check employees’ attendance and make amendments?
  4. When to Generate TMS Run? How to undo Generate TMS Run?
  5. What are the commonly used attendance reports and how to generate them?


11 Mar 2024 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed)  

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. What are the Key Employment Terms (KETs)?
  2. Is it compulsory to include every item of KETs in a contract of service?
  3. How to customize KETs templates for different groups of employees?
  4. How to assign a KETs template to an employee?
  5. How to generate KETs reports for employees?
  6. How to automate the assignment of a KETs report for new employees?


9 Apr 2024 (Tue) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to activate ESS accounts for employees without an email address?
  2. What should your employees do if they forget their ESS account passwords?
  3. How can employees receive leave/claim application statuses without an email address?
  4. How to change ESS web and ESS App language?
  5. Can employees reset or change their passwords by themselves?


10 May 2024 (Fri) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to import employee profiles or details into WhyzeHR?
  2. How to import payment details into WhyzeHR before payroll processing?
  3. Where to check the history of payment details imports?
  4. How to import leave applications into WhyzeHR?
  5. How to import claim application into WhyzeHR?
  6. How to import employee attendance into WhyzeHR?


10 Jun 2024 (Mon) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How WhyzeHR can help in employee onboarding?
  2. How to create an onboarding checklist?
  3. How to send a reminder about an onboarding task to the relevant parties?
  4. How to monitor the completion of tasks?


10 Jul 2024 (Wed) 10:00am-11:00am (Registration Closed) 

Topics covered in this training: 

  1. How to create a new pay item?
  2. Common pay methods and how to create a new one.
  3. How do cut-off dates in a pay group affect payroll calculations?
  4. How to enable the system to generate pay runs automatically?
  5. How to enable reminders for payroll processing and CPF submission?
  6. How to use Onboarding module to manage payroll related tasks on an employee’s first day of work?