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  • HR & Payroll Solutions

    Installed-based Solution

    • Modules
    • Core
    • Payroll 
    • Leave
    • Control
    • Alert Utility
    • Import Utility
    • Export Utility
    • Reports

    • Services
    • Implementation & Configuration
    • Training & Workshop
    • Support
    • Payroll Outsourcing

    Cloud-based Solution

    • Modules
    • Basic HR & Bundled Modules
    • Payroll
    • ESS & e-Document
    • Leave & ESS e-Leave
    • Claim & ESS e-Claim
    • Time Management
    • Appraisal
    • ESS e-Onboarding & ESS e-Training
    • ESS e-Applicant
    • Costing and Integration

    • Services
    • Implementation & Configuration
    • Training & Workshop
    • Support
    • Payroll Outsourcing
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    Time Attendance System

    • Modules
    • Biometric Devices
    • Mobile Clock In
    • OT Approval
    • Project Costing

    • Services
    • Clock Mounting & Installation
    • Implementation & Configuration
    • Training & Workshop
    • Onsite Troubleshooting and Support

    Employee Self-Service

    • Modules
    • Leave Application
    • Claim Application
    • Payslip Records
    • HR Documents & Other Records
    • Training Request and Training Plan
  • About Us
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Installed-based Solution

Seamless integration across multiple modules

You control your own data

Compliant to local legislation at all time

Automate HR policies & processes

Eliminate unnecessary human errors

  • Overview
  • Core         
  • Payroll & Income Tax
  • Leave
  • Control
  • ePortal
  • Alert Utility
  • Import Utility
  • Export Utility
  • Reports
  • Services


EasyPay Overview

Being in the market for more than 35 years, EasyPay has been enriched throughout the years by listening carefully to the needs of the various industries in Singapore. Today, EasyPay is being used by over 10,000 companies around the region. Since then, EasyPay has received many awards for its excellence and has consistently achieved extremely high customer satisfaction ratings and top ranking brand recognition, resulting in having a total market share greater than the other competitors combined.

Key Strengths

  • Easy to use GUIs and Wizards
  • Cooperation with government agencies
  • Current with up to date legislation requirements
  • Flexibility to create your own customized fields and reports
  • Innovative with creative enhancements
  • Integration to other systems via Import and Export Facility
  • Scalability to cater for unlimited history information
  • Security ensured with complete audit trails and flexible user security setting ​

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Core Module

Optimize business operation efficiency via integrated human capital management
EasyPay Core Module allows you to manage the personal information of each of your current and terminated employees including addresses, contact numbers, family members, education, employment status and bank information. You can easily track employees’ salary progression, career progression and contracts progression.

Automation Function reduces data entry and errors
You no longer need to track PR status manually. With EasyPay, PR status is automatically track and CPF contribution is calculated accordingly. With the built in automation function, EasyPay enables auto assignment of pay packages, benefits and items issued to different groups of employees. You can also reduce data entry in the application by setting defaults for your fields in Core Module, hence, information will be automatically fill in when you have a new hire. All you need is to make the necessary amendments as you go along. Together with the EasyPay Alert Function, emails will be sent out to designated group of employees when employees’ work permits are due for renewal or even upcoming birthdays.

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Payroll & Income Tax

Payroll & Income Tax Modules

Streamline payroll process to by eliminating unnecessary double entries
Streamline by reducing double data entry during the data collection phase. Using the Import Designer facility, it allows you to import payroll data directly from Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. Now, you no longer need to enter twice for OT & Shift entitlements from your Time Management System or manually enter allowances, deductions and reimbursements consolidated by other departments or any other existing systems.

Flexible and simple to create OT, Shift & Pay Elements
Enhanced OT & Shift tables allow you to create unlimited daily, hourly, fixed OT rates and shift frequencies. You can even set minimum and maximum capping to OT. With the system wizards, you can create different types of unlimited allowances, deductions and reimbursements may it be a fixed recurring amount, loan, ad-hoc pay element which is formulated or tabulated.

Save time with easy and flexible payroll processing
Payroll processing is simplified with wizards and complete with 4 types of payroll processing, namely Normal Pay, Advance Pay, Bonus Pay and Other Pay where you can run each type of Payroll up to 4 times a week. In cases where you are not sure how much bonus to give, you can run as many trial bonus runs. EasyPay Payroll module also enables you to effective track MVC, back pay and activate pay suspension.

Leave the statutory compliance to us 
Trying to keep updated with the frequent changes on the statutory requirements all the time? We do not expect our users to catch the news to be updated. Instead, you can be assured of continuous support and compliance to statutory requirements from us via newsletters and updates of the system. On top of the standard compliance, you can also enjoy privileges that had been established with various government agencies such as auto inclusion to IRAS and direct auto submission facility to NS and CPF.

Administer salary & pay elements in multi-currency  
You can now even administer salary & pay elements in multi-currencies and have it converted in SGD for payroll and IRAS processing.

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Leave Module

Simplify leave administration with high visibility on manpower capacity and leave cost accruals
EasyPay Leave Modules allows the complete flexibility for you to create your own calendars, policies and leave types as you go along. To make it easy for you, it allows administration of hourly and daily leave application, leave suspension, leave forfeits, credit leave with expiry date and even leave accruals. Fully integrated with other modules in EasyPay, all leave applications will be calculated and automatically processed: stand alone or together with your payroll processing.

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Control Module

Equip HR users with easy database management
We especially designed this Control Module with non-IT trained users in mind. With the concept of user-friendly wizards, HR users can now create new databases and new users account with limited assigned access rights easily. Users can backup and restore databases, and even check through the complete audit trails.

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An online, web-based employee self-service suite of solutions. It allows you to manage employees’ human resource matters within a company or organization-locally or internationally.
Modules available are:

ePortal Entry Point
Employees are able to update personnel data such as change in address or even addition of family members. They can also view payslips online. HR can also share company's phone listings, HR policies or employee handbook.

eIndividual Report (IR8A viewing)
Employees are able to view their IR8A records via ePortal.

Employees can view their leave entitlements and apply leave online. With the automated multi-tier leave approval by email, managers can approve, reject or request employees to make amendments on their leave application.

Employees are able to view their benefits such as medical claim entitlements. They can also submit their claims online and routed to their approving managers.

Managers can schedule training courses for employees and they can then accept these pre-planned training via email. In addition, they can also apply ad-hoc training courses online.

HR can design the Appraisal form using our Form Designer Tool. Employees can then fill up the approval online. Upon completion, Managers can comment, respond or feedback with necessary action.

Facilitates the booking of all facilities including meeting rooms, vehicles, AV equipment and many more.

eTime Sheet

Employees can enter their OT information online upon approval, these OT hours can be imported back to payroll for payment. 

Facilitates the posting of positions available online. Candidates can the enter their personnel details and submit to the company for considerations.

eportal screenshots

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Alert Utility

Alert Utility

Enhance any human capital by automating its activities
The alert function is a business process automation tool that can streamline all your HRM functions. You can automate notifications of any date driven events to any designated emails with customized message on each of the events. Now, there is no need to manually remember when your new hires are due for confirmation and when their permit is due for expiry. This will free your staff to focus on business issues and eliminate the administrative functions that provide minimum business value. Deliver your results faster, cheaper and better with the power of task automation.

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Import Utility

Import Utility

Reduce human typo error by eliminating double data entries
The import function is an import facilitate that allows you to import information from Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets into EasyPay. If you have employee data, commission, OT & shift entitlements and claims details generated from another system, you no longer need to have double data entries as you can import these data directly from Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet on a regular basis before you run your payroll.

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Export Utility

Core Module

Data Export can be a breeze
If your reporting criteria are more unique or requiring data from across the various modules, you can make use of export designer to create customized reports. These reports will be available in Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet with your preferred color scheme, font and font size.

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Transform your data into useful information
EasyPay is inbuilt with powerful reporting capabilities in each of the modules. With over hundreds of standard reports available and extensive filtering, sorting and formatting options, you can produce your reports easily with just a click of button. If the standard reports are not able to cater to your unique requirements, you can even create your own reports in a matter of minutes.

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Data Migration
For new customers, we provide data migration services from your current in house or legacy systems via Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets.

Implementation & Configuration Services
As part of the initial service, we provide implementation & configuration services for all new customers. Based on your unique requirements, Utilities are hassle-free and made ready to be used with our consultants setting up the necessary templates for you.

Training & Workshops
User training and workshops are comprehensive, with programs available for users at all levels.

Remote Access
We are able to trouble-shoot specific technical errors or guide user directly from user’s view via remote support helpdesk.

Onsite Visits
Our support team can be on-site to resolve technical issues to augment our remote access trouble-shooting.

Payroll Outsourcing
Do not have time to keep up the accuracy of your payroll? Let us take care of your payroll. We help you keep up with the ever changing local payroll legislation and ensure confidentiality. Now you can have peace of mind.