30 January 2019
Do you know how to get the branch code for your bank?
The branch code of your own bank account is important for online bank transactions as well as online interbank GIRO transactions.
The branch code for the various banks are as follows:
Post Office Savings Bank (POSB)
DBS Bank Limited (DBS)
Eg account number: 0051234567, whereby “005” is the branch code while account number is “0051234567”
Overseas Chinese Bank Corporation (OCBC)
Bank Code : 7339
Branch Code : first 3 digits of the account number
Account number : length may vary , first 3 numbers to be excluded
Eg : 5501234567, whereby “550” is the branch code while “1234567” is the account number.
United Overseas Bank Limited(UOB)*
Far Eastern Bank Limited (part of UOB)*
Bank Code : 7199
Branch code : use the first 3 digits of account number to obtain the branch code*
Account number : 10-digit account number, excluding branch code.
*Note that for UOB and Far Eastern Bank Limited, the branch code may be obtained by using the first 3 digits of the account number ,with reference to Appendix A: ACH Bank & Branch Codes for UOB Group Branches (www.uobgroup.com/ACHcodes)
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Corporate account
Bank code : 7232
Branch Code : first 3 digits of the bank account
Account number : length may vary, first 3 numbers to be excluded
E.g.: 55012345678, whereby “550” is the branch code and account number is “12345678”
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) Personal account
Bank code : 9548
Branch Code : first 3 digits of the bank account
Account number : length may vary, first 3 numbers to be excluded
State Bank of India
Bank code: 7991
Branch code: first 3 digits of the bank account
Account number : length may vary, first 3 numbers to be excluded
E.g.: 2271234567890, whereby “227” is the branch code and “1234567890” is the account number.
Standard Chartered Singapore
Bank Code : 9496 (from 19/9/2020)
Branch code : “0”+ 1st 2 digits of account number
Account number : 10-digit account number , including last 2 digits of branch code
E.g.: 02812345678, whereby ”028” is the branch code, and “2812345678” is the account number.