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Useful articles on HR and Payroll in Singapore
20 May 2021

How digitization of leave management is essential to your company?

If your company is still hesitating to invest in an HR management system, consider the following advantages you could gain from better employee leave management.

Great time and environment saver
Manual leave application by first filling up a paper form and then submitting for approval is time-consuming. After that, HR needs to spend more time filing the record either through a legendary filing system or in an unruly spreadsheet.

This manual practice creates hassle that no one should be subject to when history leave records become essential, especially during employee resignation or calculation of leave balance to bring forward to a new year.
With eLeave, it eliminates paper leave application. Employees can apply for leave through their mobile phone and upload softcopy supporting documents such as medical certificates. Furthermore, all history leave applications are well documented in the system. This allows both employer and employees to retrieve records efficiently.

Integrates with Payroll and Attendance
In WhyzeHR suite of solutions, eLeave is integrated seamlessly with both payroll and time attendance modules. Leave information that flows into the time attendance modules allows the outlet supervisor to plan headcount and work shifts to fill up the gap left by employees on leave. Additionally, the system will also push any unpaid leave from eLeave into the payroll module for salary deduction. Thus, this system feature eliminates the need to record same leave information manually at multiple modules.

Automating leave entitlement calculation
According to MOM requirement, annual leave entitlement should increase at least one day each year until a maximum of 14 days. eLeave module can help meet this requirement and keep track of every employee’s leave entitlement based on their years of service with a company. And in the event of a company’s leave policy that allows leave carry forward, the eLeave module will perform a check on the allowable carry forward limit before it happens. On top of that, eLeave allows prorating leave entitlement during an incomplete month of service caused by the first or last day of work not falling on the first or last day of a month.
Due to the automation, eLeave saves HR a lot of time and prevents any leave entitlement miscalculation.

At a glance calendar
eLeave module in WhyzeHR lists out employees’ leave applications directly on a calendar. The calendar provides a clear summary to the company management team and allows them to make informed workforce planning. Employees can also access this calendar to check their colleagues who
are open to work collaboration. Users can also sync this calendar with their phone calendar to get the latest updates.

Get notified to approve leave applications
Another advantage of an eLeave module is that the system will notify a supervisor automatically whenever his team apply for leave. To avoid any leave applications from being overlooked, the system will remind the supervisor if applications remain unacted. Once approved, the system will automatically inform the relevant person-in-charge, such as the head of department or HR manager.

WhyzeHR HR & Payroll software includes eLeave optional module. Contact us (6838 0161) or send your enquiry to to find out how your company can further benefit by adopting eLeave in your business operation.