This checklist serves as a quick summary on the common submission relating to payroll and tax in Malaysia.
Income Tax
(Deadline 15th of the following month)
Statement of Monthly Tax Contribution
Notification of New Employee (applicable for new joiner of the month)
CP38 is the tax deduction order with instruction to deduct salary by LHDN. The CP38 amount is the additional amount of tax on top of PCB for the settlement of the employee's income tax arrears.
Retrenchment / Retirement / Leaving Country
Notification of Departure from Country
Notification of termination / retrenchment / lay-off being paid a substantial termination amount
I-account is mandatory to submit KWSP (EPF Borang A)
SOCSO (Deadline 15th of the following month)
Perkeso Assist Portal
(Contribution list submission)
Form 2 – Notification of New Employee (need to enclose a copy of Identity Card of new hire)
SIP2A Form: Notification of Employee (applicable for new joiner of the month)
(Employer – Deadline 31st March of the following year)
(Employee – Deadline 30th April of the following year)
Form E
Employer Year End Tax (Year-end)
This must be submitted to the Inland Revenue Department by 31st March via the tax authority
Submit through E-filing. CP8D upload by PDF/ Text file format
Form 8A (EA)
Employee Year End Tax Filing
To be provided to employee by 28th Feb of each year.
TP2 is a claim form for the benefits in kind (BIK) provided by the employer.
If employee received Benefits-in-kind such as car, accommodation, chauffeur, or other benefits, he/she is required to fill in this form every year.
You can use WhyzeHR to generate the required forms and submission file formats.