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Useful articles on HR and Payroll in Singapore
3 June 2019

Shared Parental Leave

The Government-Paid Shared Parental Leave (SPL) scheme allows working fathers, including self-employed, to receive part of their wife's leave benefits. The leave benefits obtained through SPL scheme is in additional to the Government Paid Paternity Leave (GPPL) scheme. 

As an employee, this scheme allows both parents to be equally involved in the early years of their children. 

As an employer, understanding this scheme eliminates the occurence of reimbursement claims being rejected. 


As an employee


Decide your leave arrangement with your wife any time within 12 months before your child’s date of birth, date of birth included.


Submit the declaration form (SPL1) to your employer and notify your employer about your leave arrangements ahead of time.


Your wife will need to inform her employer of her intention to share her leave. Her maternity leave will then be adjusted accordingly.


Your wife must declare her intention to share her leave. This can be done online via the Shared Parental Leave Allocation System (SPLAS) using her Singpass*.


After the declaration has been made, she is required to print out hard copies of her declaration and submit them to her employer, along with her maternity leave or adoption leave ( where applicable ) application. Your employer should also receive a copy of her declaration as well.

*Note that if your wife does not have a SingPass, she can seek assistance by writing in to


As an employer


Obtain the declaration form (SPL1) from your employee when your employee is in the process of applying his shared parental leave. 


Verify that your employee’s wife has made a declaration in SPLAS. Note that all supporting documents must be submitted to confirm your employee’s eligibility. All declarations are irrevocable. 


Submit the claim online via the GPL Portal within 3 months after the last date of your employee's shared parental leave taken.


Log in to the GPL Portal to check the status of your application. You will be notified once your application is being processed.

Claims can only be made after the leave is taken. All claims must be submitted within 3 months after the last date of shared parental leave taken.

More information can be found at