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Useful articles on HR and Payroll in Singapore
12 March 2019

What are the Key Employment Terms?


With effect from 1st April 2016, employers are required to issue a written Key Employment Terms (KET) to employees who: 


  • Have entered into a contract of service on/after 1 April 2016
  • Are covered by the employment act
  • Are employed for 14 days or more, as stated in the contract. 


It is important to state the key employment terms (KET) so as to reduce miscommunication between employer and employee. Note that the written KET must be issued within the first 14 days of the employee’s first day of employment.  The items below are to be included, where applicable: 

  • Full name of employer
  • Full name of employee
  • Name of the company
  • Job title, main duties and responsibilities
  • Start date of employment
  • Duration of employment
  • Working arrangements (E.g.: daily working hours, number of working days per week  and rest day)
  • Salary Period
  • Basic Salary / Basic rate of pay
  • Fixed allowances
  • Fixed deductions
  • Overtime payment method
  • Overtime rate of pay
  • Other salary related components ( E.g.: Bonuses, Incentives ) 
  • Type of leave (E.g.: Annual leave, hospitalisation leave, childcare leave etc )
  • Other medical benefits ( E.g.: Insurance, Medical benefits, Dental benefits ) 
  • Probation period
  • Notice period
  • Place of work (Optional)


You may also choose to use WhyzeHR to automatically generate KETs based on the template provided by MOM. The Employment Contract generated from WhyzeHR can also be included with all the KETs.