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    • ESS & e-Document
    • Leave & ESS e-Leave
    • Claim & ESS e-Claim
    • Time Management
    • Appraisal
    • ESS e-Onboarding & ESS e-Training
    • ESS e-Applicant
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    Time Attendance System

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    • Mobile Clock In
    • OT Approval
    • Project Costing

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    • Onsite Troubleshooting and Support

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12th April 2023

Whyze Solutions joins Ability Center


We are announcing Whyze Solutions merger with Ability Center. Ability Center was founded in 1986 concurrently with the deregulation of the staffing industry in Japan and grew with the societal needs of women entering the workforce. It is the leading HR service provider in Shikoku region of Japan, providing temporary staffing, recruitment, training, outsourcing, and re-employment support. Ability Center continues to cherish its founding spirit, always focused on challenges faced by communities, companies and individuals. The team at Ability Center is always on the lookout to serve and in pursuit of new challenges that bring about solutions.


Ability Center had a similar merger with Malaysia HR services provider CXL Group in 2021. This first oversea merger was a stepping stone for Ability Center to venture into Asia’s growing demands for HR services, expanding its reach and gaining access to new markets. CXL Group started in 2008 as CareerXcell. Focusing on training and placing unemployed graduates, it helped reduce unemployment rates in the country and graduates to be better equipped when joining the workforce.


Karrie Cheung, CEO of Whyze Solutions is thrilled to be part of Ability Center Group. "Our combined experience has tremendous potential. We are excited to work together to expand our solution offerings in APAC. This will allow our team to scale our services and provide more value to clients.”


Terukazu Miyoshi, Group CEO of Ability Center commented: “To drive the growth of Ability Center Group in APAC, discussion of merger with Whyze Solutions started in 2022 with significant planning and due diligence. Both companies had ensured that long term synergy works. The team can work together effectively to create value for our stakeholders while expanding our market share by diversifying services, and gaining access to new technology and geographic regions.”


Fariz Abdullah, CEO of CXL Group commented: “For a long time, we were looking into merging with a platform that aligns with our strategic vision of providing better service to our clients, and to grow with us. The post-pandemic tech world is becoming more complex and dynamic. The opportunity to create competitive advantage and value, while ensuring sustainability, through digital transformation is more compelling than ever. We knew this merger is a perfect fit.”


For more information on Ability Center and CXL Group.